Why Tooth Fillings Matter

Amy Uncategorized

Tooth decay is the name of the tooth infection that causes cavities, and it’s the most common dental health issue among children and adults alike. Because it’s so common, the fillings that are often used …

Why Invisalign® Might Be a Good Idea

Amy Uncategorized

Depending on the severity of your tooth misalignment (or malocclusion), they may significantly affect your smile’s appearance. Because of this, many older teen and adult patients choose to straighten their teeth out of a desire …

What to Remember About Dental Cleaanings

Amy Uncategorized

In most cases, professional dental treatment is only recommended as necessary and tailored to meet each patient’s unique needs. However, professional dental cleanings are one procedure that everyone needs on a routine basis. Like brushing …

The Secret to Curing a Toothache

Amy Uncategorized

For many people, part of their lifetime dental health education includes simple remedies for toothaches. When home remedies don’t work, people may turn instead to over-the-counter medications and pain relievers, which are more successful at …

Helping Children Prevent Cavities

Amy Uncategorized

Like adults, children’s dentistry focuses mostly on prevention. Even teaching them to brush and floss their teeth every day and to visit the dentist on a regular basis is aimed at helping them avoid serious …